Eagle Lake First Nation aquatic environmental contaminants monitoring program
Fiscal Year
Eagle Lake First Nation, Ontario
Principal Investigator
Mark Hanson, Ph.D., University of Manitoba
Community Project Lead
Jordan Gardner
Project Members
Vince Palace, Ph.D., Kaylin Reid, Michelle Shephard and Kit Young-Hoon
Project Summary
Members of Eagle Lake First Nation rely on their traditional land and water for sustenance. They expressed concerns about potential negative impacts on their health from industrial sources of mercury. Some of the significant industrial developments in the area include mining, logging, pulp and paper mill operations, agriculture, tourist operations, and the development of highways and smaller access roads.
This research study was participatory in approach and involved many community members. Data collection consisted of sampling fish, such as walleye and crayfish, as well as sediments to measure mercury concentrations. A food consumption survey was conducted to collect data on fish consumption patterns. Mercury exposure from fish was estimated for each survey respondent based on reported fish consumption patterns and the laboratory results, and compared to the Health Canada provisional tolerable daily intake (TDI) for methylmercury exposure. This allowed to examine potential health risks associated with exposure to mercury from fish consumption.
The results of this research showed that, overall, the concentrations of mercury in walleye and crayfish samples were low. Only one sample out of the total of 41 samples of walleye exceeded the Health Canada guideline of 0.5 ppm. The exposure assessment indicated that none of the survey respondents exceeded the TDI for methylmercury. The study concluded that walleye was safe to eat in quantities reported by the members of the Eagle Lake First Nation.